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Tag: classicpress

ClassicPress 1.5.0 was released a few days ago with support for PHP 8. And this solves a lot of problems I had on this blog in the last few month: On the homepage was the title „Archive“ visible, which should not be visible; and on my archive page nothing was shown at all—except for the title; and all I‘ve got was mysterious error messages in the logs … Guess I should have better looked at the requirements (which are now, btw, a bit outdated), than I would have seen that I was using the wrong PHP version. Lesson learned.

So now I can start tinkering on this blog again and not try to hunt this weird behavior of ClassicPress.

A lot has changed over the last decade on the web—and so has WordPress: WordPress has started as a simple blogging tool and has grown into a widely used CMS with a simple interface for (new) users and a huge ecosystem of extensions, themes and developers. That‘s great—and a reason why I still use it for other projects and at work—but WordPress has outgrown my needs for a simple blogging tool that I want for my blog. And now, with WordPress 6.0 around the corner, it‘s time to switch to ClassicPress. ClassicPress is a fork of WordPress 4.9—or: the pre-Gutenberg era—and so exactly what I want my blogging tool to be: simple.