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Tag: blogging

MUJI has an interesting attitude about their own products:

This is because we do not make objects to entice responses of strong affinity, like, “This is what I really want” or, “I must have this.” MUJI’s goal is to give customers a rational satisfaction, expressed not with, “This is what I really want” but with “This will do.” “This is what I really want” expresses both faint egoism and discord, while “This will do” expresses conciliatory reasoning. In fact, it may even incorporate resignation and a little dissatisfaction. MUJI’s goal is to sweep away that slight dissatisfaction, and raise the level of the response, “This will do” to one filled with clarity and confidence.

This somehow resonates with me about how I try to use this blog: I tend to want to make things perfect, but I do make mistakes and don‘t have the time to make it perfect, so I try to embrace an attitude of “this will do” with confidence—and the 100 Days To Offload embraces this too.

(via Anna Mitchell via Winnie Lim)

I‘m a data hoarder of sorts. In the last decade I‘ve collected a lot of stuff and that must be sorted and cleaned up. Over the years I tried different sorting structures but it never worked out for me. But currently, I have a pretty solid system and over the last year I‘m sorting everything in. And I‘ll give you a glimpse into my archives by writing about some of it.

100 Days To Offload:

The whole point of #100DaysToOffload is to challenge you to publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year.

Posts don’t need to be long-form, deep, meaningful, or even that well written. If there are spelling and grammar mistakes, or even if there’s no real point to the post, so what? What’s important is that you’re writing about the things you want to write about.

Your posts could be how-to guides, or links to another post you have found interesting. They could include your own thoughts about that post, or a response to it. It could be a simple update about what you have done that day. Tell us about your dog, your cat, your fish tank, or whatever hobbies you have. Someone will find it interesting.

Just. Write.

A few days ago I stumbled upon this: Writing 100 blog posts on my blog in 365 days—can‘t be that hard, right?! Challenge accepted.

A lot has changed over the last decade on the web—and so has WordPress: WordPress has started as a simple blogging tool and has grown into a widely used CMS with a simple interface for (new) users and a huge ecosystem of extensions, themes and developers. That‘s great—and a reason why I still use it for other projects and at work—but WordPress has outgrown my needs for a simple blogging tool that I want for my blog. And now, with WordPress 6.0 around the corner, it‘s time to switch to ClassicPress. ClassicPress is a fork of WordPress 4.9—or: the pre-Gutenberg era—and so exactly what I want my blogging tool to be: simple.